Juliette on a mission on the planet of cycling 

Juliette Cop29bikeride

A young woman from Lyon, textile engineer on leave, Juliette Poncin is taking advantage of a few weeks of freedom to join the climate riders to Munich. She won't go all the way to Baku, as work will call her back in September. For her, cycling is both a means of transportation and a way to escape. She discovered the initiative on social media. Without hesitation, she got in touch with Guillaume and was ready to set off from the Trocadéro esplanade. A pedal stroke to give meaning to a passion and to strengthen her growing concern for the climate, the planet, and the future of humanity.

Juliette was not born when the first COP took place in Berlin in 1995. It is difficult for her and her generation to measure the progress made, as well as to evaluate the time lost. The bearers of the ten proposals will have time along the way to share their experiences with her. Meanwhile, at the base, the mission's supporters will try to answer all the questions of the young "cyclonaut" about the necessity of converging the efforts of generations. Juliette has promised to share her impressions, questions, and proposals. She hopes to meet other young cyclists on the road and to help unite energies and steer the world toward a better destiny.